About Beth
Beth Goldstein
Yoga Instructor, MA, RPP, RPE
Teaching is my passion... and my gift.
My workshops are both intense and soul-searching, light and fun! I have been teaching retreats and workshops in mind/body awareness for 25 years both in the US and internationally. I keep things light while going deep. Take a class or a workshop and learn tools for coming into alignment and balance with your body, your mind, your heart, and your soul's path!
I have a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology, I am certified as a teacher in both Polarity Therapy and Yoga, I founded the Polarity Barn Retreat Center in Charlottesville VA, and I was a co-leader of Spirit School of the Intuitive Arts ( SSIA)with Christen McCormack for 7 years. Out of all this I have developed a unique and dynamic group and individual process for exploring, aligning, and healing. One of my students said ,"My experience with Beth exceeded all of my expectations, she has an intuitive, caring nature that makes you feel as if you can conquer the world. I continually refer back to my time at Xinalani and envision Beth's guiding voice, it was a life changing experience that I will never forget."
Beth lives and works in Provincetown, MA

About the Work

On Polarity Therapy
Chakra based healing modality: healing touch, yoga, mind/body awareness
Based on the elements of nature. Each element is linked to Beth's YouTube guided meditation. Enjoy!
Ether: the throat: self-expression, truth, space, bridge between body and spirit
Air: the heart: feeling, breath, love, compassion
Fire: solar plexis: energy, vitality, strength, self-confidence
Water: abdomen: emotion, transformation, birth, creativity
Earth: tailbone, root: grounding, support, safety, balance, physicality
I offer a series of transformative workshops that draw from the elements of nature and their corresponding chakras. Most of my retreats are based in the science and art of Polarity Therapy, integrative yoga flow, and a dynamic whole body approach to healing. Yoga postures, guided meditation, hands-on-healing inspire personal shifts that are always remarkable and keep me passionate and excited about this work.
We bring awareness to the patterns that no longer serve us, look at how those patterns have manifested in our bodies and thoughts, honor how they have served, learn to create a new paradigm, and move forward with intention. We learn tools for creating, expanding, and integrating our heart’s desires into our daily lives.
I teach what feeds my soul and bring passion and humor into all of my classes. I hope that any course that you take from me brings you an appreciation of your gifts and support on your chosen path. Come prepared to explore, learn, laugh, and have fun!